Monday, January 31, 2011


Opssie! Sorry peeps, its been a long while since my last post. Well. I normally post special event like outing and stuff. But for a month of me without posting anything. You know how lifeless my school is. My daily routine. Go school >> Stay over in school / tuition centre >> Home sweet home >> Homework >> SLEEP! Its totally repeating for the past 1 month. And yeah. So far. I survived.

But then, its not totally because of the lifeless school. Its also because of the mood. I blog when I have mood to blog something out. But then, blogging mood didn’t come to me for a month(Oh. So Crazy!). Reason? Bunch of reason that I couldn’t tell or even speak out. Just.. WHATEVER!

So, talking about January. I should start with school. School have been just the way it is for the month. But there was a movie shooting in High School. What I can say about the series. -Speechless- It wasted me an hour to watch the 1st episode. With the shooting going on, my class shifted to 6B4 classroom which shared with the lower form student. Besides having to climb 2 floors up, we have to go out from the class earlier everyday. The only thing I enjoy up there? The view I think.

Library. Its been something hard for me to hold on since last year. But yet, I have my responsibility in there. Taking every obstacle in there as a process of learning. That might be the way I survived so far. Wen Ying is going to Taiwan to further her study. It was some kind of Hoo-Haa in form6 because she’s a capable and nice girl. So there was some farewell stuff where I’ll elaborate later. Talking about her post in Library. Vice President. Ain’t some easy job, and I had some sort of obstable to gone through before I chose the new Vice President. And yeah, Kimberly is currently the Vice President for library. Cool stuff~

Studies. Ish. Been slacking for sometime. And well, after so long. I actually forgotten that the reason I came to form 6. I don’t know why but I just forgot what I aim for. The reason I’m here. To get a CGPA of 4.0. To get into good Uni. To further my studies in Pharmacy Course. I totally forgotten all this for reason I don’t know. Till some stuff came to me and knocked me hard on my head, only I realised I have been fooling around for such a long time. Sorry. But it just so sux to felt this way. For my family and future, I just can’t behave like this anymore. Gotta pia max after this.

Mood. I totally can’t take myself. My Exco gave me a right scientific term, which totally describe me. “HI – Hormone Imbalance”. How this word describe me? At this moment, I can be smiling all way, just a while later, you will see me keeping quiet, then, you can see me jumping here and there like a drunkard. But please, don’t think I crazy or whatever. Sometime, when you are in a happy mood, something or some stuff just gonna cross your eye or ear which take you down. That’s what sometime happened to me. And in my case, I don’t want to be emo for long time, so I will do something which cheer myself up and help forgetting stuff I don’t wanna remember.

So far, I have going through things that I don’t wanna go through. Sometime, it just so hard to smile when inside me ain’t smiling. But then again, when you don’t do so. People are gonna come to you and ask “What’s wrong?” and stuff. But for me, I just don’t how to answer these question.

Just because we're not close anymore,
doesn't mean I don't care about you.

That’s all for this post. Sounded so emo. But peeps, no worries. I’m fine. Smile


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