Sunday, August 2, 2009

Great n Sucks Part of weekend!!

Yeah.. My Weekend is so enjoyable..

haha... It was RC Prom Nite 2009!!
1st of all, congratz to Exco 09 for a successful event and also thx for inviting us..

From yesterday morning i went to skol at 8am to do group study wif my frenz.. Then hav a really fun basketball game after the group study..
11am go back house oni start to get ready my prom nite stuff.. Then move to Kiri's house at 12.30pm.. Hav some fun time there.. Then lepak there for so long n we reach there at 5.30pm oni.. (As our exco say we suppose to meet at 4pm.. hehe..) But biasalah, we r juz like tat.. Then Prom Nite start n sitting at the most front role to see performance.. haha.. Cool stuff.. When everything ends, hav the photo session wif all the exco.. Yeeehaaaaaaaaa!! Once again.. But end up i hav to go back early coz i hav to sleep earlier n work on the next day.. (Its actually hav to take over my mom's work for 1 day la..) Then go back house.. Do some stuff n then sleep at 2am..

This morning hav to wake up at 8am.. Argh.. Freaking tired.. But hav to wake up also.. Then go to work.. Holy.. Is freaking boring there.. I nearly fall asleep when working.. But still tahan.. From morning 9am tahan till 7pm.. Exhausted.. Come back house.. take bath.. eat.. blog.. n gonna sleep really soon..

So much fun yet so much of suffer.. Life is never be perfect..

SPM 108 days left.. Study.. Study.. Study..

Pangky Pang...